741 |
民國三十六年中央銀行關金及法幣壹萬圓一組82枚。六 - 八成新1947 Central Bank of China Customs Gold Units & $10000, 82pcs. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. FINE-EF (82pcs) |
HK$800 |
HK$1,300 |
742 |
民國六年中國銀行兌換券貳角,無地名、票號及簽名,63分稀品1917 Bank of China 20 Cents Remainder. Very rare. PMG 63 ink |
HK$2,000 |
HK$3,600 |
743 |
民國十五年中國銀行伍圓,上海,黑簽,55分佳品1926 Bank of China $5, Shanghai, s/n U063951, black sign. PCGS 55 |
HK$1,000 |
HK$1,000 |
744 |
民國二十九年中國銀行伍圓樣票,64EPQ佳品1940 Bank of China $5 Specmen, s/ns 00000. PMG 64EPQ |
HK$1,600 |
HK$2,400 |
745 |
民國二十九年中國銀行拾圓樣票,64EPQ佳品1940 Bank of China $10 Specmen, s/ns 00000. PMG 64EPQ |
HK$2,200 |
HK$2,200 |
746 |
民國二十九年中國銀行伍圓,無字冠連號兩枚65EPQ、64佳品1940 Bank of China $5, s/ns 542667-68. PMG 65EPQ & 64 (2pcs) |
HK$400 |
HK$500 |
747 |
民國二十九年中國銀行壹百圓,重慶,64分佳品1940 Bank of China $100, s/n Y557342, Chungking. PMG 64 |
HK$700 |
748 |
民國29年中國銀行重慶壹百圓及中央儲備銀行伍圓,兩枚63EPQ佳品1940 Bank of China $100 & Central Reserve Bank of China $5, s/n T994742 & D/N181705A. Both PMG 63EPQ (2pcs) |
HK$1,000 |
HK$1,000 |
749 |
民國三十年中國銀行貳毫正面樣本,65EPQ佳品1941 Bank of China 20 Cents Front Specimen, s/n A000000. PMG 65EPQ |
HK$600 |
HK$1,200 |
750 |
民國三十年中國銀行貳毫正面樣本,兩枚63、64分佳品1941 Bank of China 20 Cents Front Specimen, s/n A000000. PMG 63 & 64 (2pcs) |
HK$1,000 |
HK$1,200 |
751 |
民國三十年中國銀行伍圓,單字冠,商務版,稀少品種64分佳品1941 Bank of China $5, s/n B646761, CMPA. PMG 64 |
HK$3,000 |
HK$5,500 |
752 |
民國15年中國銀行上海伍圓七枚、20年天津伍圓及24年上海壹圓各五枚,共17枚,上海伍圓其一紅簽。其二評級品,餘六 - 八成新1926 Bank of China 7pcs $5, 5pcs each of 1931 $5 & 1935 $1. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. PMG 10 & 12, others FINE-EF (17pcs) |
HK$600 |
HK$700 |
753 |
民國元年交通銀行伍拾角,營口,背右蓋「奉天小西門口天順合錢莊」紅戳記,極之珍罕之民初交通鈔,日本大藏家森本勇舊藏。微修1912 Bank of Communications 500 Cents, s/n 1746305, Yingkow. Ex Isamu Morimoto coll. Extremely rare early Republican note. PMG 30 minor repairs & previously mounted |
HK$80,000 |
HK$110,000 |
754 |
宣統元年交通銀行壹圓,廣東,蓋「汕頭支付」,兩面中英文「作廢」戳記,非常罕見之晚清交通券。除輕微銹漬及撕裂,保存十分完整1909 Bank of Communications One Dollar Remainder, s/n 145711, Canton, ovpt paid in Swatow, Chinese & English cancelled chops on both sides. Extremely rare Late Qing banknote. PMG 50NET spindle holes at issue, rust damage & small tear |
HK$6,000 |
HK$6,000 |
755 |
民國二年交通銀行伍圓樣票,品種甚為少見,難得EPQ品1913 Bank of Communications $5 Specimen, s/n 000000. Very rare. PMG 45EPQ |
HK$3,500 |
HK$5,750 |
756 |
民國三年交通銀行伍圓樣票,無地名,63EPQ佳品1914 Bank of Communications $5 Specimen, s/n 00000. Rare. PMG 63EPQ |
HK$3,000 |
HK$3,000 |
757 |
民國三年交通銀行拾圓樣票,無地名,評級稀品1914 Bank of Communications $10 Specimen, s/n 00000. Rare. PMG 55 |
HK$3,000 |
HK$3,000 |
758 |
民國四年交通銀行小洋伍拾角樣票,極為稀少之品種,58分佳品1915 Bank of Communications 500 Cents Specimen, s/n 00000. Very rare. PMG 58 |
HK$6,000 |
HK$6,000 |
759 |
民國十六年交通銀行壹圓樣票,山東,63EPQ佳品1927 Bank of Communications $1 Specimen, s/n 00000, Shantung. PMG 63EPQ |
HK$3,800 |
HK$3,800 |
760 |
1914年交通銀行國幣壹角,哈爾濱改威海衛,稀少品種1914 Bank of Communications 10 Cents, ND, s/n C0210106, Harbin changed to Weihaiwei. Rare. PMG 25 |
HK$1,200 |
HK$2,000 |