1003 |
1928年中央銀行拾枚、單字冠加蓋「限陝省境內通用」,較少見,64分佳品1928 The Central Bank of China 10 Coppers, ND, s/n U464900, Shensi ovpt. Rare for type. PMG 64 |
HK$1,200 |
HK$2,600 |
1004 |
民國17年中央銀行美鈔版加蓋壹圓、伍圓、拾圓,及31年中信版壹百圓四枚,共七枚。壹百其二有修,六 - 八成新1928 Central Bank of China $1, $5 & $10, & 4pcs 1942 $100. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. 2pcs $100 repaired, FINE-EF (7pcs) |
HK$600 |
HK$600 |
1005 |
民國17及25年中央銀行壹圓、伍圓、拾圓,不同版共約84枚。部份有污,八 - 九成新1928 & 36 Central Bank of China $1, $5 & $10, approx 84pcs w/diff printers. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. EF-AU w/stains on some (approx 84pcs) |
HK$500 |
HK$1,100 |
1006 |
1931年中央銀行壹角、貳角(無紀年),中華版兩枚66EPQ佳品1931 The Central Bank of China 10 & 20 Cents, ND, s/ns W713754D & K353754B, CHB. Both PMG 66EPQ (2pcs) |
HK$800 |
HK$900 |
1007 |
民國23年中央銀行肆佰圓、26年拾圓、36年關金伍佰圓,三枚評級品1934 Central Bank of China $400, 1937 $10 & 1947 Customs Gold $500. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. PCGS 64 (2) & PMG 35 stain (3pcs) |
HK$1,200 |
HK$2,200 |
1008 |
民國二十五年中央銀行壹圓三枚、拾圓一枚,不同版共四枚63-66EPQ佳品1936 Central Bank of China 3pcs $1, & $10. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. PMG 63, 65 & 66EPQ (2) (4pcs) |
HK$1,000 |
1009 |
民國二十五年中央銀行拾圓,華德路版,連號兩枚66EPQ佳品1936 The Central Bank of China $10, s/ns E/W518107-08X, W&S. Both PMG 66EPQ (2pcs) |
HK$1,000 |
HK$2,600 |
1010 |
民國二十五年中央銀行壹百圓,華德路版。64EPQ佳品1936 The Central Bank of China $100, s/n B/K491075C, W&S. PMG 64EPQ |
HK$500 |
HK$800 |
1011 |
民國二十九年中央銀行壹角、貳角,中華版,兩枚65、66EPQ佳品1940 The Central Bank of China 10 & 20 Cents, s/ns N706137R & A486176R, CHB. PMG 65 & 66EPQ (2pcs) |
HK$400 |
HK$400 |
1012 |
民國31年中央銀行中信版壹百圓、25年山東平市官錢總局伍拾枚,兩枚評級品1942 Central Bank of China $100 & 1936 Shantung Exchange Bureau 50 Coppers, s/ns AP542103 & 4125452. PMG 45 & 30 minor restoration (2pcs) |
HK$500 |
HK$800 |
1013 |
民國三十一年中央銀行壹仟圓,德納羅版,66EPQ佳品1942 The Central Bank of China $1000, s/n D/N637639, TDLR. PMG 66EPQ |
HK$700 |
HK$1,700 |
1014 |
民國三十三中央銀行伍拾圓樣票,德納羅版,63分佳品1944 The Central Bank of China $50 Specimen, s/n A/Y000000 16, TDLR. Rare. PMG 63 |
HK$1,500 |
HK$8,500 |
1015 |
民國三十三年中央銀行伍拾圓,德納羅版,66EPQ佳品1944 The Central Bank of China $50, s/n D/G711237, TDLR. PMG 66EPQ |
HK$600 |
HK$1,100 |
1016 |
民國33年中央銀行伍百圓、29年中央儲備銀行拾圓,兩枚64、66EPQ佳品1944 Central Bank of China $500 & 1940 Central Reserve Bank of China $10, s/ns C/D983913 & B/X227622E. PMG 64 & 66EPQ (2pcs) |
HK$800 |
HK$1,600 |
1017 |
民國三十四年中央銀行壹仟圓,美商西方版連號三枚64分佳品1945 The Central Bank of China $1000, s/ns G4755056-58, WDBN. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All PMG 64 (3pcs) |
HK$500 |
HK$500 |
1018 |
民國三十四年中央銀行伍仟圓,牌坊圖中央版,較少見1945 The Central Bank of China Customs $5000, s/n BU876845, CPF. Rare. PMG 55 |
HK$700 |
1019 |
1941、42、45年中央銀行伍圓、伍百圓、伍拾圓,不同版三枚評級品1941, 42 & 45 Central Bank of China $5, $500 & $50. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. PCGS 63, 55 & 64 (3pcs) |
HK$500 |
HK$500 |
1020 |
1945年中央銀行伍圓、山東人和成貳仟文庫存票,兩枚65、66EPQ佳品1934 Central Bank of China $5, & Shantung Jen Ho Cheng 2000 Cash Remainder. PMG 65 & 66EPQ (2pcs) |
HK$600 |
HK$1,200 |
1021 |
1946年中央銀行貳角試樣票,德納羅版,64OPQ佳品1946 The Central Bank of China 20 Cents Trial Proof, TDLR. PCGS 64OPQ |
HK$500 |
HK$600 |
1022 |
1946年中央銀行貳角樣票,德納羅版,66EPQ佳品1946 The Central Bank of China 20 Cents Specimen, TDLR. PMG 66EPQ |
HK$800 |
HK$1,400 |