珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2022 Winter Auction
Date: 26-29/11/2022
Venue: Jade Room , Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

1551 民國紙鈔:中央、交通、中農、山西省一組六枚評級品Republican banknotes, group of 6pcs. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. PMG 55 (2) & 63EPQ, 12, 30 & 55 (6pcs) HK$1,200 HK$1,200

1552 民國紙鈔七枚、1958年經濟建設公債一枚,共八枚評級品Republican banknotes 7pcs, & 1958 PRC Construction Bond $1, 8pcs. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. PMG 45EPQ, 25, 30 (2) & 45 (2), PCGS 35 & 45 (8pcs) HK$1,400 HK$1,700

1553 民國紙鈔一組九枚。數枚有撕裂,五 - 八成新Republican banknotes, group of 9pcs. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. VG-EF w/tears on several (9pcs) HK$900 HK$1,600

1554 民國紙鈔一組12枚。六 - 八成新Republican banknotes, group of 12pcs. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. FINE-EF (12pcs) HK$500 HK$2,200

1555 民國紙鈔一組39枚。五 - 八成新Republican banknotes, group of 39pcs. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. VG-EF (39pcs) HK$1,300 HK$1,300

1556 18--(1910-16)年印度新金山中國滙理銀行伍両,上海,極其罕見之渣打銀行両票行用鈔,背有「一雙玉臂千人枕」之艷辭,風月綺夢,讓人聯想翩翩。PMG僅評四枚,30分為最佳品相18-- (1910-16) The Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China 5 Taels, s/n 14592, Shanghai. Extremely scarce & well-preserved foreign banknote in China. Erotic Chinese poem on rev. PMG 30 annotations & pinholes HK$50,000 HK$100,000

1557 1911年印度新金山中國滙理銀行拾両,上海,極其罕見之渣打銀行両票行用鈔,面有墨書「徐大總統題」,戳記「如用此票買仇貨者非人類也」,頗堪玩味。修補1911 The Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China 10 Taels, s/n 5796, Shanghai. Extremely scarce foreign banknote in China. Interesting Chinese scripts & chop on obv. PCGS Details 12 repairs, design redrawn, writing & ink stamps HK$15,000 HK$40,000

1558 1921年印度新金山中國滙理銀行拾圓,上海,行用鈔甚少見。修補1921 The Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China $10, s/n G/T158072, Shanghai. Very rare. PMG 20 tear repair HK$6,000 HK$7,000

1559 19--年(1900)印度新金山中國麥加利銀行伍両庫存票,天津,帶邊紙,極罕見之両票,64分佳品19-- (1900) The Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China 5 Taels Remainder, Tientsin. Extremely scarce. PMG 64 unaffected by issues in selvage, small tear HK$20,000 HK$40,000

1560 1930年印度新金山中國麥加利銀行武士像拾圓樣票,天津,兩面蓋華德路紅戳記,64EPQ次高評僅見一枚1930 The Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China $10 Specimen, Tientsin, "WATERLOW & SONS LTD" red chop on both sides. Extremely rare. PMG 64EPQ HK$20,000 HK$50,000

1561 19--年(1917)印度新金山中國麥加利銀行廿五圓庫存票,天津,廿五圓面值甚罕見,PMG僅評四枚,55分次高評兩枚之一19-- (1917) The Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China $25 Remainder, Tientsin, perf "CANCELLED". Extremely rare. PMG 55 perforation cancelled HK$80,000 HK$150,000

1562 1929年印度新金山中國麥加利銀行伍拾圓,天津,罕見大面完好行用鈔1929 The Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China $50, s/n T/B2407, Tientsin. Extremely scarce for issue. PMG 20 HK$30,000 HK$50,000

1563 19-- (約1920)年印度新金山中國麥加利銀行壹百圓印刷商試樣,天津,罕見大面鈔,64分佳品19-- (ca 1920) The Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China $100 Printer's Essay, Tientsin. Extremely scarce. PMG 64NET stains HK$20,000 HK$40,000

1564 1917年印度新金山中國麥加利銀行壹百圓樣票(PMG註為庫存票),天津,大面鈔,極罕,62分極難得1917 The Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China $100 Remainder, Tientsin. Extremely scarce for $100. Unbelievably well preserved. PMG 62 perforation cancelled & stains HK$25,000 HK$40,000

1565 1900年英商香港上海滙豐銀行伍圓,上海,行用鈔極罕見。邊角完好無墨漬1900 The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp $5, s/n 231443, Shanghai. Extremely rare early HSBC issue in China. PMG 12 restoration HK$6,000 HK$12,000

1566 1923年英商香港上海滙豐銀行伍圓,上海,評級稀品。背下有戳記1923 The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp $5, s/n 754663, Shanghai. Very rare for issue. PMG 20 rust & ink HK$5,000 HK$5,000

1567 1923年英商香港上海滙豐銀行伍圓,上海,品相鮮麗明亮的行用鈔甚少見,50分佳品。微修1923 The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp $5, s/n 815304, Shanghai. Very rare HSBC note in China w/excellent condition. PMG 50 minor repairs HK$14,000 HK$34,000

1568 19--(1904)年英商香港上海滙豐銀行拾圓單面試色樣票一套兩枚,上海,除輕折外,品相極鮮麗極漂亮19-- (1904) The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp $10 Uniface Color Trial Specimens, Shanghai. Extremely rare HSBC color trial. Fresh & very attractive. Both PMG 55 previously mounted (2pcs) HK$35,000 HK$60,000

1569 1924年英商香港上海滙豐銀行拾圓試色樣票,上海,兩面蓋華德路公司紅戳記,品相出色極為吸引1924 The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp $10 Uniface Color Trial Specimens, Shanghai. Extremely rare HSBC color trial. Fresh & beautiful. PMG 64 previously mounted HK$30,000 HK$50,000

1570 1904年英商香港上海滙豐銀行拾圓,上海,稀少清末外商鈔。修補,兩面有墨漬戳記1904 The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp $10, s/n 134873, Shanghai. Very rare. PMG 12NET repaired & annotations HK$6,000 HK$10,000

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Rarehouse 2024 Winter Auction Price Realization
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