珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2021 Winter Auction
Date: 1-2/1/2022
Venue: Jade Room , Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

1207 1985年T103M梅花、1986年T111M珍稀瀕危木蘭科植物、T162M杜鵑花,小型張各100共300枚,上中品。敬請務必預覽1985 T103, 1986 T111 & T162, each 100pcs of souvneir sheets, total 300 pcs, VF-F. Viewing preferred HK$8,000 HK$13,000

1208 1988年T132-2無齒麋鹿票,共100套,上中品。敬請務必預覽1988 T132-2 Pere David's Deer, 100 sets, VF-F. Viewing preferred HK$1,600 HK$1,600

1209 1989年T144M杭州西湖小型張,原封100枚,上中品。敬請務必預覽1989 T144M West Lake in Hangzhou, 100 souvenir sheets, VF-F. Viewing preferred HK$700 HK$1,500

1210 1989年T135M馬王堆漢墓帛畫小型張,原封200枚,上中品。敬請務必預覽1989 T135M Mawangdui Han Tomb Paintings, 200 souvenir sheets, VF-F. Viewing preferred HK$1,400 HK$1,600

1211 1987年T121中國歷代名樓票,共500套,上中品。敬請務必預覽1987 T121 Famous Buildings of Ancient China, 500 complete sets, VF-F. Viewing preferred HK$5,000 HK$7,250

1212 1987年T121M中國歷代名樓小型張,原封100套,上中品。敬請務必預覽1987 T121M Famous Buildings of Ancient China, 100 souvenir sheets, VF-F. Viewing preferred HK$1,800 HK$2,100

1213 1991年T164M?德山庄小型張及J176M西藏四十周年,原封小型張各100共200枚,上中品。敬請務必預覽1991 T164M Imperial Summer Resort & J176M 40th Anni of Tibet's Liberation, 100 souvenir sheets each, VF-F. Viewing preferred HK$950 HK$1,400

1214 1991年T164M?德山庄小型張,原封200枚,上中品。敬請務必預覽1991 T164M Imperial Summer Resort, 200 souvenir sheets, VF-F. Viewing preferred HK$900 HK$1,400

1215 1991年T167M中國古典文學名著水滸傳第三組小型張,原封100枚,上中品。敬請務必預覽1991 T167M Outlaws of the Marsh 3rd series, 100 souvenir sheets, VF-F. Viewing preferred HK$800 HK$1,200

1216 1988年T130泰山版票112套共16版,上中品。敬請務必預覽1988 T130 Mount Taishan 16 sheets of 112 sets, VF-F. Viewing preferred HK$1,000 HK$2,100

1217 1989年T140華山版票140套20版,及1991年T163恆山版票168套24版,共44版,上中品。敬請務必預覽1989 T140 Mount Huashan 20 sheets of 140 sets & T163 Mount Hengshan 24 sheets of 168 sets, total 44 sheets, VF-F. Viewing preferred HK$800 HK$1,200

1218 1990年T155衡山版票280套40版、1991年台灣特298孔雀開屏圖版票50套4版,及1992年台灣特302a生肖郵票50套10版,共44版,上中品。敬請務必預覽1990 T155 40 sheets of 280 sets, 1991 Taiwan S298 4 sheets of 50 sets, & 1992 Taiwan S302a 10 sheets of 50 sets, total 44 sheet, VF-F. Viewing preferred HK$1,000 HK$1,800

1219 1992年92-4近海養殖票及92-7昆蟲票各500套,共1000套,上中品。敬請務必預覽1992-4 China Offshore Aquaculture & 92-7 Insects, 500 complete sets each, VF-F. Viewing preferred HK$1,000 HK$1,400

1220 1992年92-8M第25屆奧運會馬拉松小型張,原封800枚,上中品。敬請務必預覽1992-8M 25th Olympic Games, 800 souvenir sheets, VF-F. Viewing preferred HK$2,500 HK$3,000

1221 2005及06北京城門及胡同印花稅票各兩套、廣東廣電集團及中國銀行稅票各一版20連、購銷及加工合同書三份,均上中品。敬請務必預覽2005 & 2006, collection of 4 sets of Tax Stamps, 3 sheets of stamped sales agreement, all New. Viewing preferred HK$700 HK$700

1222 2007及08年北京園林及壇廟印花稅票各一套,上中品。敬請務必預覽2007 & 2008, Beijing Gardens & Temples Tax Stamps, 2 sets, both New. Viewing preferred HK$700 HK$700

1223 1991年台灣孔雀開屏圖古畫小型張及1992年童玩郵票小型張,各200共400枚,上中品。敬請務必預覽1991 Taiwan Ancient Peacock Painting & 1992 Kids' Toys, 200 souvenir sheets each, VF-F. Viewing preferred HK$1,500 HK$1,500

1224 1992年台灣生肖小型張,200枚,上中品。敬請務必預覽1992 Taiwan 12 Zodiac, 200 souvenir sheets, VF-F. Viewing preferred HK$2,000 HK$2,000

1225 1992-2008年中國郵票年冊一組11冊。均未使用1992-2008 PRC "Stamps of China", 11 volumes. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All UNC HK$1,200 HK$1,600

1226 中國抗日戰爭暨世界反法西斯戰爭勝利70周年郵幣珍藏冊兩卷,人民日報監製。未使用Commemorative Stamps & Money Album of Victory of Anti-Japanese War & World Anti Facist War, 2 vols. UNC HK$1,000

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Online timed auction in February 2025
2025 February 22
Rarehouse 2024 Winter Auction Price Realization
Page 1,  Page 2

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