珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2017 Summer Auction
Date: 15-16/8/2017
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

1160 1918年美商花旗銀行伍圓,漢口1918 International Banking Corporation $50, s/n 113218, Hankow. PMG NET12 FINE, repaired & ink US$100 US$100

1161 1918年美商花旗銀行拾圓,天津。輕微邊損背有一小圓戳記,七 - 八成新1918 International Banking Corporation $10, s/n 172195, Tientsin. VF-XF with light edge tears & 1 chopmark on rev. US$120 US$120

1162 1918年美國友華銀行伍拾圓樣票,長沙,甚少見,EPQ66分尤罕1918 Asia Banking Corporation $50 Specimen, 1918, s/n 00000, Changsha. Very rare especially for PMG EPQ66 Gem UNC US$1,200 流拍

1163 民國十年震義銀行伍圓,三枚評級品1921 The Chinese Italian Banking Corp. $5, s/ns 007390, 91 & 93. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All PCGS 64 Choice UNC, Details (3pcs) US$150 US$180

1164 民國十年震義銀行壹圓、伍圓,及1910、19年美商北京花旗銀行壹圓、伍圓,一組四枚。震義九成新,花旗剖開重合1921 The Chinese Italian Banking Corp. $1 & $5, 1910 & 19 International Banking Corp. $1 & $5. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. AU for Italian notes, paste-up for Internation (4pcs) US$80 US$90

1165 民國十一年華威銀行壹圓,北京改昌黎,加蓋「永七通用」。邊有水漬未使用1922 The Sino-Scandinavian Bank $1, s/n A0146618, Peking changed to Changli. UNC with water stain on edge US$50 US$50

1166 1915年橫濱正金銀行壹圓,青島1915 The Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd. $1, 1915, s/n 162499, Tsingtao s/n. PMG NET 20 VF, repaired US$200 US$550

1167 1933年(大同二年)滿州中央銀行印贈舊紙幣樣本冊:東三省官銀號三種、邊業銀行三種、奉天公濟平市錢號一種、吉林永衡官銀號四種、黑龍江廣信公司四種,共15枚,帶舊紙幣明細表一份。六成新 - 未使用1933 Specimen Booklet compiled by the Central Bank of Manchukuo, consisting 15 pcs specimen notes from 5 diff banks, with a copy of list of notes. FINE-UNC US$1,000 US$2,100

1168 1937-39年滿州中央銀行伍角 - 百圓一組五枚。其一九成新,餘未使用1937 - 39 The Central Bank of Manchukuo 50 Cents - 100 Yen. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. 1 AU, others UNC (5pcs) US$180 US$180

1169 民國三十二年中央儲備銀行伍百圓,不同版一組五枚。八成新及未使用1943 The Central Reserve Bank of China group of 5pcs diff issue $500. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. EF-UNC (5pcs) US$50 US$50

1170 民國32-34年中央儲備銀行壹佰圓 - 伍仟圓一組四枚評級品,壹佰圓右邊印色出錯1943 - 45 The Central Reserve Bank of China $100 - $5000, minor color error on $100. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. PCGS OPQ55 AU, PMG EPQ63 Choice UNC (2) & 65 Gem UNC (4pcs) US$200 US$200

1171 中央儲備銀行34枚、滿州中央銀行一枚,不同年不同值一組35枚。七成新 - 未使用1940s, 34 pcs of The Central Reserve Bank of China & 1 pc of the Central Bank of Manchukuo, diff dates & values. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. VF-UNC (35pcs) US$100 US$360

1172 民國二十七年華興商業銀行壹角1938 Hua Hsing Commercial Bank 50 Cents, blk 1. PCGS 30 VF US$200 US$400

1173 1914年日治時期臺灣銀行大正三年改造券五圓單面見本一套兩枚評級品,極稀少1914 Japan occupied Taiwan, The Bank of Taiwan 5 Yen Uniface Specimens, ND. Very rare. Both PMG NET55 AU, previously mounted, one with stain. (2pcs) US$1,000 US$1,700

1174 1914-16年日治臺灣銀行券壹圓、五圓、拾圓,三枚評級品1914 - 16 Japan occupied Bank of Taiwan 1, 5 & 10 Yen, ND. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. PMG 35 Choice VF (2) & 30 VF (3pcs) US$300 US$1,400

1175 1937年日治臺灣銀行券百圓、67及81年伍佰圓,三枚。百圓七五新,餘九五新1937 Japan occupied Bank of Taiwan 100 Yen, 1967 & 81 $500. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. Good VF for 100 Yen, others Good AU (3pcs) US$160 US$160

1176 民國三十七年台灣銀行壹萬圓,第一印刷廠。少見1948 Bank of Taiwan $10000, s/n BD762280, First Printing Factory. Rare. PMG EPQ64 Choice UNC US$300 US$460

1177 民國38年台灣銀行壹分、伍分兩枚,及50年壹圓X444444N號,一組三枚。全4近未使用,餘未使用1949 Bank of Taiwan 1 & 5 Cents, & 1961 $1 s/n X444444N. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. AU for $1, others UNC (3pcs) US$100 US$120

1178 民國四十四年臺灣銀行伍圓,限馬祖連號九枚。均全新1955 Bank of Taiwan $5, s/ns D066127F-135F, for Matsu only. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All Choice UNC (9pcs) US$90 US$100

1179 民國七十六年臺灣銀行壹佰圓,AM444444GY及BP777777AU號,兩枚評級品1987 Bank of Taiwan $1000, s/ns AM444444GY & BP777777AU. CMC OPQ65 & 66 Gem UNC (2pcs) US$100 US$200

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