珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2017 Summer Auction
Date: 15-16/8/2017
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

1140 民國十二年廣東省金庫券拾圓,背「革命債券調查委員會,民國廿五年九月廿五日」紅戳記及「大本營軍用票」黑戳記。微修八五新1923 Kwang Tung Provincial Treasury $10, s/n 067344, dated chop "25/9/1923 of the Investigative Committee of Revolutionary Bond" on rev. Good EF with light repair. US$900 流拍

1141 民國十八年察哈爾省編遣欠餉定期庫券壹圓、伍圓、拾圓,極難得一套三枚評級品1929 Charhar Provincial Military Ration Notes $1, $5 & $10. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. Rare set. PCGS 55 AU (2) & 64 Choice UNC (3pcs) US$700 US$800

1142 民國十五年山東省金庫券壹圓1926 Shantung Provincial Treasury $1, s/n 0349355. PMG EPQ66 Gem UNC US$300 US$300

1143 民國十五年山東省金庫券拾圓。九成新1926 Shantung Provincial Treasury $10, s/n 0172663. AU US$370 流拍

1144 民國十五年山東省軍用票壹圓1926 Provincial Army-Note of Shantung $1, s/n C0294731. PMG EPQ64 Choice UNC US$180 US$320

1145 民國十五年山東省軍用票伍圓1926 Shantung Provincial Military Note $5, s/n B0402693. PMG EPQ63 Choice UNC US$200 US$380

1146 民國十六年西北銀行貳角,河南汴,背蓋「中華民國陸海空軍副司令部示」,軍伐馮玉祥發行軍鈔1927 The Bank of Northwest 20 Cents, s/n A283048, Honan, "Deputy Commander of Army-Sea-Air Forces of ROC" chop on rev. PMG 63 Choice UNC, toning US$150 US$260

1147 民國拾五年甘肅軍事善後流通券壹圓1926 Gansu Province Military Restoration Note $1, s/n 285888. PCGS 25 VF, Details, tear US$140 US$320

1148 一九四五年蘇聯紅軍司令部發行壹佰圓,帶印花。未使用1945 Soviet Red Army Headquarters $100, s/n AT457441, with stamp. UNC US$0 US$100

1149 1907年天津華俄道勝銀行伍兩單面樣票,少見。票面色澤光麗如新1907 Russo-Chinese Bank 5 Tael Uniface Specimen, perf "SPECIMEN". Very rare & very freshy. PMG NET55 AU, repaired & reconstructed US$500 US$700

1150 保商銀行伍圓庫存票,無紀年(約清末民初),罕見品The Commercial Guarantee Bank of Chihli $5 Remainder, ND (late Ching - early Republic), ser. B. Very rare. PCGS 63 Choice UNC, Details, envir. Damage & minor tear US$1,500 US$2,500

1151 1919年北洋保商銀行伍圓,北京。修補六 - 七成新1919 The Commercial Guarantee Bank of Chihli $5, s/n B302351, Peking. FINE-VF with repairs US$250 流拍

1152 1919年北洋保商銀行拾圓,北京。背有字修補六成新1919 The Commercial Guarantee Bank of Chihli $10, s/n C411956, Peking. FINE with repairs & graffiti on rev. US$300 流拍

1153 1929年印度新金山中國麥加利銀行壹百圓試樣,天津。極難得之大面額試樣1929 The Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China $100 Progressive Proof, ND, Tientsin. Very rare. PMG 63 Choice UNC US$2,000 US$3,000

1154 1900年英商香港上海匯豐銀行伍圓,上海,極稀少。兩面有戳記,修補六成新1900 The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp. $5, s/n 148960, Shangha. Very rare. Repaired, FINE with chopmarks on both sides. US$500 US$800

1155 1920年香港上海匯豐銀行伍圓,天津,極稀少。票中插圖為浙東鎮海孔廟英國銅版畫,圖案線條與印色明麗如初,栩栩如生1920 The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp. $5, s/n 60501, Tientsin. Very rare. Unbelievably well preserved & beautiful. PCGS 45 Choice EF US$4,000 US$5,800

1156 1923年英商香港上海匯豐銀行伍圓,上海,稀少。背中下一小戳記,保存完好七 - 八成新1923 The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp. $10, s/n 818449, Shangha. Rare. Well preserved, VF-EF with small chopmark at lower middle edge on rev. US$450 流拍

1157 1920年英商香港上海匯豐銀行伍拾圓樣票,上海,極稀少。桃紅印色鮮麗明淨極其悅目1920 The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp. $50 Specimen, perf. "SPECIMEN", Shanghai. Extremely rare. Color unbelievably fresh & attractive. PMG 64 Choice UNC, staple holes US$2,500 US$2,900

1158 1905年美商上海花旗銀行伍圓樣票,上海。少見1905 International Banking Corporation $5 Specimen, s/n 000000, Shanghai. Rare. PCGS 64 Choice UNC US$500 US$700

1159 1910年美商北京花旗銀行伍圓,北京。輕微邊損背有字,七成新1910 International Banking Corporation $5, s/n 172035, Peking. VF with light edge tears & graffiti on rev. US$120 US$160

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