珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2016 Spring Auction
Date: 4-6/4/2016
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

1369 民國十七年吉林官銀錢號永衡官帖拾吊發行鈔改樣本。未使用The Yung Heng Provincial Bank of Kirin, 10 Tiao Specimen, 1928, s/n 065497. UNC US$100 US$130

1370 民國廿六年四川省政府建設庫?改中國農民銀行伍拾圓,加蓋「重慶」、「中農」,少見。微補六成新Szechuen Provincial Government Construction Note changed to The Farmers Bank of China, ovpt. Chungking, $50, 1937, s/n A0875905. Rare. FINE with light repair. US$150 US$280

1371 民國廿六年四川省政府建設庫?改中國農民銀行壹佰圓,加蓋「重慶」、「中農」,少見。七 八成新Szechuen Provincial Government Construction Note changed to The Farmers Bank of China, ovpt. Chungking, $100, 1937, s/n A0628122. Rare. VF-XF US$250 US$550

1372 貴州銀行兌換?伍角,無紀年無票號。左上角輕折未使用Kueichou Bank, 50 Cents, ND, w/o. Light fold at top left corner otherwise UNC. US$150 US$260

1373 民國二十年中國實業銀行拾圓。八五新The National Industrial Bank of China, $10, 1931, s/n M901708A. Good XF US$120 US$160

1374 民國廿七年大中銀行伍圓,北京。未使用Tah Chung Bank, Peking, $5, 1938, s/n P0192642P. UNC US$80 US$340

1375 1911年四川銀行大漠四川軍政府軍用銀票壹圓。八成新Szechuen Bank, Military Note $1, 1911, s/n 0640. XF US$100 US$130

1376 民國十二年財政部平市官錢局銅元拾枚,山東,背蓋「濟南市官錢局印章」藍戳記,少見。未使用Currency Stablization Bureau of the Financial Ministry, Shantung, 10 Copper Coins, 1923, s/ns 0000543, ovpt blue "Tsinan City Bank Seal" chop on rev. Rare. UNC US$100 US$100

1377 民國十六年國民政府財政部國庫?伍圓,面蓋「直魯豫陝四省通用國庫?」,少見。九成新Republican Govt., Financial Ministry Treasury Note $5, 1927, s/n 391327, ovpt " Circulation in Chihli, Shantung, Honan & Shensi" on obv. Rare. AU US$200 US$200

1378 民國十七年西北銀行壹圓,陝西加蓋「河南發行」。八五新Bank of Northwest, Shensi with overprint " Honan issue", $1, 1928, s/n B0152836. Good XF US$60 US$220

1379 1909年英商香港上海匯豐銀行伍圓,上海。極少見品相如許鮮明堅韌,八五新The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp., Shanghai, $5, 1909, s/n 360127. Very rare in such fresh & strong condition, Choice XF US$450 US$2,400

1380 1905年美商上海花旗銀行伍圓樣票,上海。少見明麗鮮韌未使用International Banking Corporation, Shanghai, $5 Specimen, 1905. Very rare in such fresh & strong condition, UNC, US$360 US$650

1381 1905年美商上海花旗銀行伍圓,上海。數點?漬,少見九成新International Banking Corporation, Shanghai, $5, 1905, s/n 316069. AU with a few clip marks. US$270 US$1,100

1382 1905年美商上海花旗銀行拾圓,上海,稀少。八成新International Banking Corporation, Shanghai, $10, 1905, s/n 87309. XF US$250 US$600

1383 1910年美商北京花旗銀行伍圓,北京,稀少。票中小孔,邊角無損七五新International Banking Corporation, Peking, $5, 1910, s/n 315615. Good VF with a very small hole at middle. US$250 US$250

1384 1919年美商花旗銀行壹圓,上海。背左下有字,八成新International Banking Corporation, Shanghai, $1, 1919, s/n 266179. Black character at bottom left corner on rev, XF. US$100 US$180

1385 1919年美商花旗銀行壹圓,北京。少見未使用International Banking Corporation, Peking, $1, 1919, s/n 137523. Rare in UNC condition. US$360 US$650

1386 1924年上海有利銀行壹員,上海。乾淨鮮麗八五新Mercantile Bank of India, Shanghai, $1, 1924, s/n 000722. Fresh & clean, Good XF US$270 US$2,200

1387 1914年上海華俄道勝銀行伍圓,上海,罕。邊損裂孔五成新Russo-Asiatic Bank, Shanghai, $5, 1914, s/n 6008614. VG with edge tears & holes. US$450 US$500

1388 1911年大清政府滬廣鐵路5%金債?20鎊、100鎊,帶息票共兩枚。均八 九成新Imperial Chinese Government, Hukuang Railways 5% Loan, Bond for 50 & 100 Pounds, 1911, s/ns 27170 & 75366. Both XF-AU (2 pcs) US$100 US$190

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