珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2016 Spring Auction
Date: 4-6/4/2016
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

1349 民國紙鈔一組40枚:不同銀行、年份、票值。大部份未使用,餘七 九成新China Banknotes: diff banks, dates & values. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. Most UNC, others VF-UNC (40pcs) US$100 US$650

1350 民國紙鈔一組37枚:大部份廣東省銀行、廣州市立、廣西銀行銀行,不同年份、票值。半數以上未使用,餘七 九成新China Banknotes: diff banks, dates & values. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. More than half UNC, others VF-UNC (37 pcs) US$100 US$700

1351 中國什鈔一組38枚。七成新 未使用China banknotes: a group of 38 pcs. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. VF-UNC (38pcs) US$100 US$480

1352 私鈔、債?、借?等一組10枚。九成新 未使用Private banknotes, Bonds, Saving tickets, eta., a group of 10 pcs. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. AU-UNC (10pcs) US$30 US$320

1353 什件:禮?、債?、儲蓄?、國庫?等一組12枚。除一枚外均九成新 未使用Miscellaneous: a group of 15 gift coupons, insurance policy, saving ticket etc. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All AU-UNC except one (12pcs) US$30 US$40

1354 光緒三十三年華商上海信成銀行壹元庫存票,上海,少見。右上角微黃,未使用The Sin Chun Bank of China, Shanghai, $1 Remainder, 1908. Very rare. UNC with light foxing at top right corner. US$550 US$1,400

1355 民國十二年中央銀行伍圓,票面蓋「孫大元帥獎賞」、「愛國紀念 保存貨幣」,少見。未使用The Central Bank of China, $5, 1923, s/n 014836, ovpt "Awarded by Great Commamder Sun" on obv, "Commemoration Note" & "Not for Circulation" on rev. Rare. UNC US$270 US$1,600

1356 民國十二年中央銀行拾圓,票面蓋「孫大元帥獎賞」、「愛國紀念 保存貨幣」,少見。八 九成新The Central Bank of China, $10, 1923, s/n 007762, ovpt "Awarded by Great Commamder Sun" on obv, "Commemoration Note" & "Not for Circulation" on rev. Rare. XF-AU US$200 US$1,200

1357 民國十五年中央銀行臨時兌換?壹圓,紅黑字冠各一共兩枚。均七成新The Central Bank of China, Provisional Note $1, 1926, black & red s/ns A216586 & B426384. Both VF (2pcs) US$270 US$270

1358 民國二十五年中央銀行伍圓,加蓋藏文華德路版。七成新The Central Bank of China $5, 1936, s/n E/Z288745V, W&S. VF US$60

1359 民國十六年中國農工銀行壹角,北京。九成新The Agricultural and Industrial Bank of China, Peking, 10 Cents, 1927, s/n s/n A1694822. AU US$250

1360 民國二十年廣東省銀行大洋?作銀毫?拾圓。背左有字,七 八成新The Kwangtung Provincial Bank, $10, 1931, s/n 467713. Chn charaters at left on rev, VF-XF US$80

1361 民國二十七年廣西銀行伍角。背微污九成新Kwangsi Bank, 50 Cents, 1938, s/n A730493. AU with minor smear on rev. US$60 US$80

1362 民國二十八年江蘇財政廳銅元拾枚、?拾枚。兩枚。八及九成新Kiangsu Financial Department, 10 & 30 Coppers, 1939, s/ns 256820I & 524554N. XF & AU (2pcs) US$80 US$90

1363 民國二十一年江西裕民銀行銅元拾枚。九成新The Yu Ming Bank of Kiangsi, 10 Coppers, 1932, Chn s/n 923407. AU US$80 US$80

1364 民國三十五年西北農民銀行壹仟圓。未使用Sibei Nung Min Inxang, $1000, 1946, s/n 0156778. UNC US$120 US$240

1365 民國三十六年西北農民銀行貳仟圓。未使用Sibei Nung Min Inxang, $2000, 1947, s/n AI637136. UNC US$120 US$220

1366 民國十七年吉林官銀錢號永衡官帖貳吊發行鈔改樣本。未使用The Yung Heng Provincial Bank of Kirin, 2 Tiao Specimen, 1928, s/n 008494. UNC US$80 US$720

1367 民國十七年吉林官銀錢號永衡官帖?吊發行鈔改樣本。未使用The Yung Heng Provincial Bank of Kirin, 3 Tiao Specimen, 1928, s/n 009898. UNC US$80 US$110

1368 民國十七年吉林官銀錢號永衡官帖伍吊發行鈔改樣本。未使用The Yung Heng Provincial Bank of Kirin, 5 Tiao Specimen, 1928, s/n 046900. UNC US$100 US$130

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