珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2016 Spring Auction
Date: 4-6/4/2016
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

1329 蒙彊銀行五角(1940)Mengchiang Bank, 50 Cents, ND (1940), Blk 13. PMG 64 Choice UNC US$100 US$190

1330 蒙彊銀行壹圓(1937)。八成新Mengchiang Bank, $1, ND (1937), s/n (39) 349342. XF US$30

1331 康德五年(1938)滿州重工業開發株式會社乙種株?五百圓。九成新Manchukuo Industrial Development Co., 500 Yen Share, 1938, s/n 62339. AU US$30 US$30

1332 1938-44年日偽銀行紙鈔一組四枚,均高評品Japanese Puppet Bank, a group of 4 high graded items, 1938-44. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All PMG, 1 EPQ67 Superb Gem UNC, 3 EPQ65 Gem UNC (4pcs) US$0 US$170

1333 日治時期台灣銀行金拾圓(1906),少見評級品Japan occupied Taiwan, Bank of Taiwan, Gold 10 Yen, ND (1906), s/n B579094. PCGS 30 Very Fine, Details US$800 US$850

1334 民國三十八年台灣銀行壹圓Bank of Taiwan, $10, 1949, s/n Y161826E. PMG EPQ66 Gem UNC US$40 US$120

1335 民國六十一年臺灣銀行壹佰圓,C444444X號。未使用Bank of Taiwan, $100, 1972, s/n C444444X. UNC US$150

1336 民國七十年臺灣銀行壹仟圓,DM999999HY號。未使用Bank of Taiwan, $1000, 1981, s/n DM999999HY. UNC US$120

1337 民國七十年臺灣銀行壹仟圓,BK888888HW號Bank of Taiwan, $1000, 1981, s/n BK888888HW. PMG 64 Choice UNC US$100 US$100

1338 民國七十年臺灣銀行壹仟圓,AS999999UE號。未使用Bank of Taiwan, $1000, 1981, s/n AS999999UE. UNC US$180

1339 民國七十六年臺灣銀行壹佰圓,BR555555DY號Bank of Taiwan, $500, 1987, s/n BR555555DY. CMC OPQ65 Gem UNC US$100 US$100

1340 民國七十六年臺灣銀行壹佰圓,CR222222GW號Bank of Taiwan, $100, 1987, s/n CR222222GW. CMC OPQ66 Gem UNC US$100 US$130

1341 民國八十九年台灣中央銀行壹佰圓,BL555555WA號Central Bank of Taiwan, $100, 2000, s/n BL555555WA. PMG EPQ67 Superb Gem UNC US$100

1342 民國九十三年台灣中央銀行壹仟圓,JK555555UD號Central Bank of Taiwan, $1000, 2004, s/n JK555555UD. PMG EPQ67 Superb Gem UNC US$150

1343 民國時期匯票兩枚,伍佰元及壹拾億元。其一修補均五成新Republican Money Orders, 2 pcs of $500 & $10,000,000,000, 1934 & 48. Both VG with one repaired. (2pcs) US$0

1344 民國紙鈔一組30枚:不同銀行機構、年份、票值。七成新 未使用Republican China banknotes: diff banks & organizations, dates & values. SOLD AS IS/ NO RETURN. VF-UNC (30pcs) US$50 US$280

1345 什鈔一組13枚。四五成新 未使用Miscellaneous banknotes & others: a group of 13 pcs. SOLD AS IS/ NO RETURN. FAIR-UNC (13pcs) US$0 US$90

1346 民國紙鈔一組27枚:不同銀行機構、年份、票值。七成新 未使用Republican China banknotes: diff banks & organizations, dates & values. SOLD AS IS/ NO RETURN. VF-UNC (27pcs) US$80 US$460

1347 民國紙鈔一組29枚:不同銀行、年份、票值。其二撕裂,六成新 未使用China Banknotes: diff banks, dates & values. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. Torn for two, FINE-UNC (29pcs) US$80 US$340

1348 民國紙鈔一組28枚:不同銀行、年份、票值。七成新 未使用China Banknotes: diff banks, dates & values. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. VF-UNC (28pcs) US$150 US$420

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