珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2016 Spring Auction
Date: 4-6/4/2016
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

1291 民國十六年國民軍金融流通?貳圓。上邊微裂,七成新The Financial Committee of the National Allied Army Headquarter at Shensi, National Army Currency $2, 1927, Chn s/n 656. Light tears on top otherwise VF. US$80 US$130

1292 東北民眾自衛軍通用鈔票伍圓,面背均有大紅方戳記。八成新The North-East People Self-Protection Currency, $5, ND, big red square seal on both sides. XF US$260

1293 1945年鎮海縣政府區時流通兌換?抗幣伍圓正面木刻印版Zhen Hai County Government, Provisional Note $5 wooden printing block, 1945. US$270 US$270

1294 民國十三年香港國民商業儲蓄銀行壹圓、伍圓、拾圓,上海三枚。其二背有字,均剖開重合The National Commercial & Savings Bank, Ltd., Shanghai, $1, $5 & $10 1924. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. Ink characters on rev on two. All paste-up with 2 halves (3pcs) US$150 US$300

1295 1923年英商香港上海匯豐銀行伍圓,上海,少見。背有字戳記,微修六成新The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp., Shanghai, $5, 1923, s/n 635007. Very rare. Graffiti & chopmarks on rev, FINE with repairs. US$200 US$200

1296 1923年英商香港上海匯豐銀行伍圓,上海。少見。背有字六 七成新The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp., Shanghai, $5, 1923, s/n 313152. Very rare. FINE US$200 US$200

1297 1923年英商香港上海匯豐銀行伍圓,上海,少見保存完好,背右有字七 八成新The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp., Shanghai, $5, 1923, s/n 673837. Rare for such condition. VF-XF with one ink character at bottom right. US$200 US$280

1297a 1923年英商香港上海匯豐銀行伍圓,上海。少見保存良好,背有字戳記七成新The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp., Shanghai, $5, 1923, s/n 805668. VF with graffiti & chopmarks on rev. US$300 US$380

1298 1923年英商香港上海匯豐銀行伍圓,上海,少見評級品The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp., Shanghai, $5, 1923, s/n 757858. PMG EPQ55 About UNC US$400 US$2,700

1299 1913年英商香港上海匯豐銀行拾圓,上海,稀少The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp., Shanghai, $10, 1913, s/n 261982. Rare. PMG NET35 Choice Very Fine US$2,000

1300 1920年英商香港上海匯豐銀行拾圓,上海,少見。兩面有字戳記,六 七成新The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp., Shanghai, $10, 24/7/1920, s/n 404603. Rare. Graffiti & chopmarks on both sides, FINE-VF. US$250 US$280

1301 1920年英商香港上海匯豐銀行拾圓,上海。背有字戳記,保存良好七成新The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp., Shanghai, $10, 24/7/1920, s/n 355781. Well preserved with graffiti & chopmarks on rev, VF. US$300 US$300

1302 英商香港上海匯豐銀行伍拾圓試色樣票,上海(19--),極少見The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp., Shanghai, $50 Colour Trial Specimen, ND (19--), perf. "SPECIMEN". PCGS 58 Choice AU, Details US$2,500 US$2,500

1303 1929年印度新金山中國匯理銀行拾員,上海,少見The Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Shanghai, $10, 1/10/1929, s/n GT275648. Rare. PCGS 45 Choice XF, Details US$400 US$1,300

1304 1921年印度新金山中國匯理銀行伍拾員樣票,上海,極少見評級品The Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Shanghai, $50 Specimen, 1/6/1921, perf "CANCELLED, W. W. SPRAOUE & CO., LTD, LONDON". PCGS 55 About UNC, Details US$2,800 US$2,800

1305 1910年美商北京花旗銀行拾圓樣票,北京。少見全新完美品相International Banking Corporation, Peking, $10 Specimen, 1910. Very rare. Fresh UNC US$550 US$600

1306 1918年美商花旗銀行拾圓,加蓋天津。邊微損七成新International Banking Corporation, ovpt Tientsin, $10, 1918, s/n 145835. VF with minor edge tears. US$150 US$220

1307 1910、19年美商花旗及北京花旗銀行壹圓、伍圓、拾圓,北京,一組三枚。均剖開重合International Banking Corporation, Peking, set of $1, $5 & $10, 1919 & 10. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All paste-up with 2 halves. (3 pcs) US$30 US$30

1308 1910、19年美商花旗及北京花旗銀行壹圓、伍圓、拾圓,北京,三組共15枚。均剖開重合International Banking Corporation, Peking, set of $1, $5 & $10, 1919 & 10, 5 pcs each set. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All paste-up with 2 halves. (15pcs) US$150 US$160

1309 1918年美國友華銀行貳拾圓樣票,天津。極少見高評品Asia Banking Corporation, Tientsin, $20 Specimen. Rare. PMG EPQ66 Gem UNC US$400 US$750

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