珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2016 Spring Auction
Date: 4-6/4/2016
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

1211 民國十八年中國通商銀行壹圓,無地名Commercial Bank of China, $1, 1929, s/n F451155. PMG 30 Very Fine, minor repair US$200 US$200

1212 民國二十年中國實業銀行壹圓,上海The National Industrial Bank of China, Shanghai, $1, 1931, s/n M103041D. PMG 64 Choice UNC US$200 US$420

1213 農商銀行壹圓試印樣票(1922-26),極少見。未使用Bank of Agriculture and Commerce, $1 Color Trial Specimen, ND (1922-26). Very rare. CMC OPQ67 S Gem UNC US$400 US$480

1214 中南銀行支票二聯樣本,背蓋華德路樣本戳記。背有膠貼未使用The China & South Sea Bank, Limited, Cheque Specimenuncut sheet of 2, ND, ovpt W&S "SPECIMEN" on back. UNC with tapes on rev. US$50 US$60

1215 威海威通錢莊拾圓未發行票,少見。背上微污,無折未使用Weihaiwei Wei Tung Bank, $10 Remainder, ND. Rare. UNC w/o fold, minor stain at top on rev. US$300 US$360

1216 民國十五年世界通商錢局壹伯枚,少見。有污中小孔上邊裂,六成新World Commercial Bank, 100 Coppers, 1926, s/n R020483. Rare. Torn at top, small hole at centre with stains, otherwise FINE. US$80 US$180

1217 民國廿四年汕頭市商庫證發行委員會大洋伍拾圓,甚少見Swatow Commercial Bonds Association, $50, 1935, s/n 001276. Very rare. PCGS 20 Very Fine US$500 US$500

1218 福建錢莊匯票:1934年上海瑞盛匯票、35年興化旅外華僑匯票伍元,兩枚。其一有蝕孔,九成及九五新Fukien private banknotes, a group of 2 $5, 1934 & 35,, s/ns 05106 & 02606. one with small holes otherwise AU & Good AU. (2pcs) US$150 US$180

1219 民國三年東隴方琴利毫票伍毫。背有字,微修八 九成新Phou Leng, 50 Cents, 1914. XF-AU with graffiti on rev, repaired. US$150 US$150

1220 民國十三年永昌禮記伍角。九五新Yung Chang Lee Co., 50 Cents, 1924, s/n 1525. Good AU US$180

1221 民國十四年慶餘恆銀號壹角,濟南Chin Yu Heng Bank, Tsinan, 10 Cents, 24266. PCGS OPQ55 About UNC US$100 US$120

1222 民國十九年六安縣地方銀行壹圓。九成新Bank of Liuan, $1, 1930, s/n A37037. AU US$300

1223 民國大柳樹公盛福陸吊、拾吊未發行票,兩枚。其一有皺均未使用Republican private banknotes, 6 & 10 Tiaos Remainders, ND. One creased otherwise both UNC. (2pcs) US$30

1224 民國三十一年昌樂縣流通?壹百圓,背蓋「山東流通?」。有修八成新Shantung Province, Changlo Note $100, 1942, s/n (5) 012285. XF with repairs US$200 US$200

1225 民國三十二年山東魚台縣農民臨時抵借?拾圓。背有紅墨漬八成新Shantung Province, Peasent Provisional Note $10 of Yu Tai County, 1943, s/n 079175. XF with fading red ink traces on rev. US$300 US$550

1226 民國山東省未發行私鈔一組三枚。八成新 未使用Republic, 3 pcs of Unissued Shantung Province private banknotes. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. XF-UNC (3pcs) US$40 US$40

1227 民國三十七年宛西貿易公司流通?貳圓,少見。未使用Wan Si Trading Co., $2, 1948. Rare. UNC US$90 US$90

1228 民國十二年甘肅隴南實業銀號壹仟文。右邊微裂有水漬,八 九成新Kansu Province, Lung Nan Industrial Bank, 1000 Cash, Chn s/n 9880. XF-AU with light tears at right & water stain. US$200 US$200

1229 民國私鈔一組九枚:不同銀號、年份、票值。均有水漬未使用Republican Private Banknotes: diff banks, dates & values. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All UNC with water stains (9pcs) US$0 US$30

1230 民國錢莊票一組四枚。七八成新 未使用Republican China Private Banknotes: diff banks, dates & values. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. Good VF-UNC (4pcs) US$40 US$40

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