珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2016 Spring Auction
Date: 4-6/4/2016
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

1171 民國十年河南豫泉官銀錢局壹圓Provincial Bank of Honan, $1, 1921, s/n 1579105. PCGS 62 UNC, Details US$200 US$220

1172 民國十年河南豫泉官銀錢局壹圓Provincial Bank of Honan, $1, 1921, s/n 1059189. PCGS 64 UNC, Details US$230 US$230

1173 民國十一年河南(省)銀行伍圓Provincial Bank of Honan, $5, 1922, s/n L134793. PCGS OPQ58 Choice AU US$320

1174 民國二十五年河北銀錢局貳拾枚,北平Ho Pei Provincial Bank, Peking, 20 Copper Coins, 1936, s/n D9147974. PMG EPQ64 Choice UNC US$0 US$80

1175 民國十四年山東省銀行拾圓,濟南The Provincial Bank of Shantung, Tsinan, $10, 1925, s/n A537576. PCGS 58 Choice AU US$300 US$300

1176 民國二十五年山東省民生銀行貳角、伍角,及二十九年伍角,共三枚。其一水漬,八 九成新The Shantung Min Sheng Bank, 20 & 50 (2) Cents, 1936 & 40. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. One with water stain, XF-AU (3pcs) US$100 US$100

1177 民國十年吉林永衡官銀錢號銅元貳拾枚樣本,哈爾濱The Yung Heng Provincial Bank of Kirin, Harbin, 20 Coppers Specimen, 1921, s/n 0051431. PCGS 64 Choice UNC US$100 US$360

1178 民國十七年吉林官銀錢號永衡官帖伍拾吊。八五新The Yung Heng Provincial Bank of Kirin, 50 Tiao, 1928, s/n C29655, Good XF. US$60 US$160

1179 民國十二年東三省銀行兌換?伍分,哈爾濱Bank of Manchuria, Harbin, 5 Cents, 1923, s/n 2936420. PCGS OPQ55 Choice AU US$70 US$80

1180 民國十三年東三省官銀號匯兌?伍圓,少見高評品Provincial Bank of the Three Eastern Provinces, $5, 1924, s/n V057354P. PMG EPQ65 Gem UNC US$300 US$460

1181 民國十八年東三省官銀號伍圓樣票,東三省Provincial Bank of the Three Eastern Provinces, $5 Specimen, 1929. PMG EPQ64 Choice UNC US$300 US$300

1182 民國十八年東三省官銀號壹百圓樣本,東三省Provincial Bank of the Three Eastern Provinces, $100 Specimen, 1929, s/n A007857A. PCGS 64 Choice UNC Details US$500 US$1,200

1183 民國九年直隸省銀行壹圓及伍圓、十五年壹圓,均天津,三枚評級品Provincial Bank of Chihli, Tientsin, $1 (2) & $5, 1920 & 26. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. ACCA 60, 70 & 75 VF, XF & Choice XF (3pcs) US$100

1184 民國十四年直隸省銀行銅元壹百枚,永遵。品相完好極少見,未使用Provincial Bank of Chihli, Yong Zun, 100 Coppers, 1925, s/n 0534487. Very rare in UNC condition. US$350 US$420

1185 民國十五年直隸省銀行貳拾枚、壹角,天津,兩枚高評品Provincial Bank of Chihli, Tientsin, 20 Copper Coins & 10 Cents, 1926, s/ns 2435662 & 1423790. PMG EPQ65 Gem UNC & 67 Superb Gem UNC (2pcs) US$0 US$100

1186 民國十三年黑龍江廣信公司壹圓,背蓋「每圓仿江錢壹百貳拾圓用」。背有字戳記七成新The Kwang Sing Company, Heilungkiang, $, 1924, s/n B937426, ovpt changed value on rev. VF with red chops & graffiti on rev. US$120

1187 民國十八年熱河省興業銀行匯兌?伍圓,熱河。右邊微裂七成新Hsing Yeh Bank of Jehol, Jehol, $5, 1929, 0278289. VF with light tear at right. US$100 US$220

1188 民國八年呼倫貝爾官商錢局伍角Hulunpeierh Official Currency Bureau, 50 Cents, 1919, s/n 8103. CMC 35 Choice VF US$250 US$250

1189 民國八年呼倫貝爾官商錢局拾圓Hulunpeierh Official Currency Bureau, $10, 1919, s/n 4913. CMC 20 Very Fine US$200 US$240

1190 威海農業儲蓄銀行壹仟文,威海The Weihaiwei Agricultural Saving Bank, Weihaiwei, 1000 Cash, ND (1916-23), s/n 195703. PCGS 55 About UNC US$400 US$400

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