珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2016 Spring Auction
Date: 4-6/4/2016
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

1132 光緒年北京天義銀號貳兩。背有字、釘孔,七成新Peking Tien Yi Bank, 2 Taels, Kuang Hsu period, s/n 673. VF with 1 needle hole & graffiti on rev. US$280 US$280

1133 戶部乾豐官號錢票二千文,少見。有小孔七成新Hu-poo Chian Feng Bank, 2000 Cash, ND. Very rare. VF with a few small holes. US$1,100

1134 江西廣內西大街慶和錢號壹仟文未發行票Kiangsi Province, Ching Ho Bank 1000 Cash Remainder, ND. CMC OPQ61 UNC US$130

1135 宣統年北京長發厚銀號貳圓,少見。九成新Chan Fha Ho Bank, Peking, $10, Hsuan Tung period, s/n 52. Rare. AU US$250 US$460

1136 宣統元年交通銀行壹圓,廣東加蓋汕頭,兩面蓋中英文「作廢」戳記,極其罕見。左方一小孔,基本無折未使用General Bank of Communications, Swatow ovpt on Canton, $1, 1909, s/n 151481, ovpt "CANCELLED" on both sides in Chinese & English. Excessively rare. One small hole on left otherwise UNC w/o fold US$900 US$950

1137 交通銀行壹角樣本,無地名Bank of Communications, 10 Cents Specimen, ND (1914). PCGS 64 Choice UNC US$800

1138 民國二年交通銀行伍圓樣票,帶邊紙。未使用Bank of Communications, $5 Specimen with stub, 1913. UNC US$500 US$500

1139 民國三年交通銀行伍圓樣票,紅地Bank of Communications, $5 Specimen, 1914, red. CMC OPQ66 Gem UNC US$300

1140 民國三年交通銀行伍圓、壹百圓,天津及上海兩枚。九成新及未使用Bank of Communications, Tientsin & Shanghai, $5 & $100, 1914, s/ns Q346777 & 359308. AU & UNC (2pcs) US$140 US$170

1141 民國三年交通銀行伍拾圓、壹百圓,重慶兩枚。八及九成新Bank of Communications, Chungking, $50 & $100, 1914, s/ns F216055 & 857643. XF & AU (2pcs) US$100 US$160

1142 民國三年交通銀行壹百圓,上海Bank of Communications, Shanghai, $100, 1914, s/n 338650. PMG 64 Choice UNC US$100 US$180

1143 民國十六年交通銀行壹圓、伍圓、拾圓樣票,漢口三枚高評品Bank of Communications, Hankow, $1, $5 & $10 Specimens, 1927. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. CMC OPQ66 (2) Gem & 67 Superb Gem UNC (3pcs) US$1,500 US$1,500

1143a 民國十六年交通銀行壹圓,山東Bank of Communications, Shantung, $1, 1927, s/n E591093L. PMG 45 Choice Extremely Fine US$90

1144 民國三十年交通銀行伍圓樣票。未使用Bank of Communications, $5 Specimens, 1941. UNC US$200 US$200

1145 民國三十年交通銀行伍圓、拾圓,兩枚。未使用及八五新Bank of Communications, $5 & $10, 1941 s/ns Q970620 & L489144. UNC & Choice XF (2pcs) US$50 US$70

1146 民國三十年交通銀行拾圓錯體票,左右票號不符。有污、左上角微損九成新Bank of Communications, $10, 1941, error s/n G881854 & G881954 on L/R. AU with stains & light tear at top left corner. US$30 US$50

1147 民國二十四年中國農民銀行伍圓未發行票The Farmers Bank of China, $5 Remainder, 1935. PMG 58 Choice About UNC US$140 US$140

1148 民國二十四年中國農民銀行伍圓未發行票、三十年壹佰圓,兩枚。未使用及八五新The Farmers Bank of China, $5 Remainder & $100, 1935 & 41, s/n JB474088. UNC & Good XF (2pcs) US$150 US$150

1149 民國二十四年中國農民銀行拾圓,三枚高評品The Farmers Bank of China, $10, 1935. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All ACCA EPQ94 Choice UNC (3pcs) US$100 US$110

1150 民國二十五年中國農民銀行伍角The Farmers Bank of China, 50 Cents, 1936, s/n DA389369. CMC OPQ63 Choice UNC US$40 US$50

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