珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2016 Spring Auction
Date: 4-6/4/2016
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

1053 1919年俄羅斯政府銀行5000盧布Russia, Government Bank, 5000 Rubles, 1919, sn AV062. PMG 63 Choice UNC US$30 US$30

1054 蘇聯及附屬東歐共和國家紙鈔,及歐洲玩鈔七枚,一組共56枚。均未使用USSR & Eastern Bloc Countries & 7 pcs of European Fantasy Notes, a group of 49 pcs. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All UNC (56pcs) US$30 US$30

1055 新加坡紙鈔10元,雀鳥系列(1979)Singapore: Bird series $10, ND (1979), s/n C/70 755512. PMG EPQ64 Choice UNC US$60

1056 新加坡紙鈔1 20元,雀鳥系列(1976-80)一組四枚。均全新Singapore: Bird series set of $1 $20, ND (1976-80). SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All Choice UNC (4pcs) US$50 US$50

1057 新加坡紙鈔25元,花系列(1972)Singapore: Flower series $25, ND (1972), s/n A/2 803180. PMG 64 Choice UNC US$190

1058 新加坡紙鈔50元(1999),OMK777777號Singapore, $50, ND (1999), s/n OMK777777. PMG EPQ66 Gem UNC US$190 US$190

1059 新加坡紙鈔100元收藏家系列樣票,雀鳥系列(1989)Singapore: Bird series, $100 Collector Series Specimen, ND (1989), s/n S000241. PMG NET64 Choice UNC US$500 US$500

1060 新加坡紙鈔500元,雀鳥系列(1977)Singapore: Bird series $500, ND (1977), s/n A/6 153360. PMG EPQ65 Gem UNC US$600 US$600

1060a 1964 73年瑞士國家銀行10 100法郎,一組四枚高評品Banque Nationale Suisse, a group of 4 pcs of 10 100 Franken, 196473. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All PMG EPQ, 65, 67 (2) & 68 Gem & Superb Gem UNC (4pcs) US$0 US$420

1061 泰國紙鈔 20銖(1981),6A9999999號。未使用Thailand, 20 Baht, ND (1981), 6A9999999. UNC US$150 US$150

1062 1862年美國綠背1元,此為美國發行之第一種1元紙鈔。少見好品相評級品U.S.A.: Greenback Legal Tender $1, 1862, series 259 pp B, s/n 41114. Rare in such excellent condition. PCGS 55 About UNC, minor tears US$800 US$1,000

1063 1882年美國俄亥俄州Bucyrus第二國家銀行5元,手簽,極珍罕評級品U.S.A.: The Second National Bank, Bucyrus, Ohio, $5, 1882, s/n H16792H/4299, pen sign.: Bruce/Wyman. Excessively rare in such brilliant condition. PMG 65 Gem UNC US$2,200 US$2,200

1064 1918年美國費城聯邦儲備銀行2元,C55555A號U.S.A.: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, $2, 1918, s/n C55555A. PCGS 65PPQ Gem New US$5,000 US$6,500

1065 1929年美國紙鈔5元,B000001A號U.S.A.: The Central National Bank & Trust Company of Peoria, Illinois, $5, 1929, s/n B000001A. PCGS 64PPQ Very Choice New US$2,200 US$2,500

1066 1935(A)年美國紙鈔1元,N55555555A號U.S.A.: Silver Certificate $1, 1935A, s/n N55555555A. PMG EPQ66 Gem UNC US$2,800 US$2,800

1067 1957年美國紙鈔1元,F88888888A號U.S.A.: Silver Certificate $1, 1957, s/n F88888888A. PMG EPQ67 Superb Gem UNC US$3,500 US$3,500

1068 世界紙鈔一組47枚。七成新 未使用World banknotes: a group of 47 pcs. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. VF-UNC (47pcs) US$50 US$150

1069 世界紙鈔一組52枚。六成新 未使用World banknotes: a group of 52 pcs. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. FINE-UNC (52pcs) US$100 US$220

1070 中央銀行壹角、貳角,美鈔版無紀年兩枚。九五新及未使用The Central Bank of China, 10 & 20 Cents, ND, s/ns N249850 & B887962R, ABNC. Choice AU & UNC (2pcs) US$150 US$150

1071 民國十二年中央銀行壹圓(汕頭)、二十五年壹圓不同版四枚(兩組連號),共五枚。12年八成新,餘未使用The Central Bank of China $1 (ovpt Swatow) of 1923 & 2 groups $1 of 1936 each in consecutive nos. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. XF for Yr 1923, others UNC (5pcs) US$50

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