珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2016 Spring Auction
Date: 4-6/4/2016
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

790 中國共產黨成立九十周年(1921-2011)彩色鍍銀紀念銅章套裝五枚,發行90000套,編號01372號,原盒及証書。未使用90th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Chinese Communist Party (1921-2011), set of 5 pcs of colour silver plated copper medals, 90000 vol issued, no. 01372, orig box & cert. UNC US$40

791 黎元洪像開國紀念幣壹圓,戴帽。極少見高評品Republic of China, Li Yuan Hung, Silver Dollar, ND (1912), capped (L&M-45). Very rare for such high grading. NGC MS65 US$30,000 US$30,000

792 黎元洪像開國紀念幣壹圓,戴帽。Newton/Bressett舊藏Republic of China, Li Yuan Hung, Silver Dollar, ND (1912), capped (L&M-45).Ex Newton/Bressett coll. NGC AU58 US$10,000 US$17,000

793 黎元洪像開國紀念幣壹圓,戴帽OE版,沈子槎舊藏,2015年北京誠軒春拍2164號。近 未使用Republic of China, Li Yuan Hung, Silver Dollar, ND (1912), capped OE vers. (L&M-44), . AU-UNC US$2,400 US$2,400

794 黎元洪像開國紀念幣壹圓,無帽。五彩包漿Republic of China, Li Yuan Hung, Silver Dollar, ND (1912), uncapped (L&M-45). Beautifully toned. PCGS MS64 金盾 US$8,000 US$8,000

797 民國十年徐世昌紀念章,無「紀念幣」Hsu Shih Chang, Commemorative Silver Medal, Yr 10 (1921) (L&M-956). NGC MS61 US$4,800 US$7,250

799 段祺瑞執政紀念幣。極少見高評品Tuan Chi Jui Acting Presidency Commemorative Silver Coin, ND (1924) (L&M-865). Very rare for such high grading. NGC MS63 US$15,000 US$17,000

800 曹錕憲法成立紀念章,文裝Tsao Kun Constitution Commemorative Medal, civilian dressed, ND (1923) (L&M-958). NGC MS61 US$3,000 US$4,400

801 曹錕憲法成立紀念章,武裝。極美品Tsao Kun Constitution Commemorative Medal, military dressed, ND (1923) (L&M-959). XF US$0 US$800

802 唐繼堯共和紀念幣三錢六,正面。深打Tang Chi Yao, Republican Commemorative Silver 50 Cents, ND (1916) (L&M-863). NGC MS64 US$2,400 US$2,400

803 民國十六年孫中山像壹圓樣幣,陵墓Sun Yat Sen, Silver "Mausoleum" Pattern Dollar, Yr 16 (1927) (L&M-85). NGC MS61 US$12,000 US$15,000

804 民國十六年孫中山像壹圓樣幣,陵墓Sun Yat Sen, Silver "Mausoleum" Pattern Dollar, Yr 16 (1927) (L&M-85). PCGS Genuine, Cleaning AU Details 金盾真幣 US$12,000 US$15,000

805 孫中山像精鑄開國紀念幣壹角樣幣。難得一見現時最高分評品Memento of Birth of Republic of China, Sun Yat Sen, Pattern Silver 10 Cents, ND (1912) (L&M-61). Currently the highest graded item. PCGS SP64 金盾 US$50,000 US$70,000

806 孫中山像開國紀念幣壹圓,六角星Memento of Birth of Republic of China, Sun Yat Sen, Silver Dollar, ND (1928), 6-pointed star (L&M-49). PCGS MS65 金盾 US$600 US$1,200

807 孫中山像開國紀念幣壹圓,六角星。Newton/Bresset 舊藏Memento of Birth of Republic of China, Sun Yat Sen, Silver Dollar, ND (1928), 6-pointed star (L&M-49). Ex Newton/Bressett coll. NGC MS65 US$600 US$950

808 孫中山像開國紀念幣壹圓,六角星兩枚。均極美品 近未使用Memento of Birth of Republic of China, Sun Yat Sen, Silver Dollar, ND (1928), 6-pointed star (L&M-49). Both XF-AU (2pcs) US$30 US$120

809 孫中山像開國紀念幣壹圓,下星。Snell 舊藏Memento of Birth of Republic of China, Sun Yat Sen, Silver Dollar, ND (1928), lower star (L&M-48 var.). Ex Snell coll. NGC MS64 US$4,200 US$5,000

811 民國十六年中華民國總理紀念幣貳角Republic of China, Premier Commemorative Silver Coin 20 Cents, Yr 16 (1927) (L&M-849). PCGS MS63 金盾 US$2,400 US$3,000

812 民國二十一年孫中山像壹圓,二帆三鳥Sun Yat Sen & Three Birds, Silver Dollar, Yr 21 (1932) (L&M-108). NGC MS64 US$3,000 US$5,000

813 民國二十一年孫中山像壹圓,二帆三鳥Sun Yat Sen & Three Birds, Silver Dollar, Yr 21 (1932) (L&M-108). PCGS MS64 金盾 US$3,000 US$5,500

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