珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2016 Spring Auction
Date: 4-6/4/2016
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

769 民國中國五義慈善聯合總會銅質天理獎章兩枚。均美品Republic, China Catholic Charity Association Copper Medals. Both VF (2pcs) US$60

770 民國工商部國貨展覽會紀念章、體育精神金章(9K金),兩枚。均極美品Republic, National Products Fair Medal & Sportmanship Gold Medal. Both XF (2pcs) US$200

771 蔣介石領袖肖像銅章、行政院善後救濟總署廣東分署銀章,兩枚。均美品Republic, Copper Chiang Kai-Shek Medal & Administration Ministry Silver Medal. Both VF (2pcs) US$80 US$80

772 CBI中印緬飛虎隊銀質琺瑯手鏈及布章,兩枚。均美品CBI "Flying Tigers" Silver Enamel Bracelet & Cloth Badge. Both VF (2pcs) US$230 US$230

773 中華民國寶劍卿雲獎章,配綬帶,背「5796號」。極美品Republic of China, Order of Sword & Cloud, no. 5796. XF US$150 US$160

774 民國紀念獎章一組五枚,敬請預覽。美品 未使用Republic medals, a group of 5. Worth viewing. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. VF-UNC (5pcs) US$150

775 魯蘇皖邊區游擊總指揮部幹部訓練班紀念獎章,及抗戰勝利60週年紀念章三枚,一組共四枚,敬請預覽。美品及未使用Republic, a group of 4 medals related to the Sino-Japanese War. Worth viewing. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. VF-UNC (4pcs) US$100

776 大同元年(1932)大滿州國建國功勞章,銅質兩枚配綬帶、原盒,金色少見。均極美品Manchukuo, Copper Merit Medals, black & gold, with ribbons, orig box. Both XF (2pcs) US$270

777 1951年抗美援朝獎章、52年山西省一等農業勞模獎章,兩枚。美品及近未使用1951 PRC Korean War Medal & 1952 Shanxi Province 1st Class Model Farmer Medal. VF & UNC (2pcs) US$80 US$80

778 中華人民共和國二級八一勳章,中央軍事委員會複製。未使用PRC, Military 2nd Class Gold Plated Medal. UNC US$80 US$80

779 蘇聯授華「自由的新上海」銀鎏金紀念章。極美品USSR presented "The New Free Shanghai" Gold Plated Silver Medal. XF US$150 US$170

781 解放軍獎章、泰國戰象獎章、蘇聯勳章五枚,一組七枚。近 未使用A group of 7 pcs medals from PRC, USSR (5) & Thailand. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. AU-UNC (7pcs) US$80 US$80

782 中國、日本、澳門獎章及紀念章,一組七枚。美品 極美品A group of 7 pcs of Medals from China, Japan & Macau. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. VF-XF (7pcs) US$50

783 1993年瀋陽造幣廠「中華國寶珍幣系列 奉天癸卯一兩銀幣紀念章」發行30000套,原盒及證書。未使用Shen Yang Mint, "Series of Currency Treasure of China Feng-Tian Gui Mao One Tael, 1993, 30000 issues, orig box & cert. UNC US$30

784 1984年中華人民共和國精鑄熊貓銀幣10元People's Republic of China, Proof Panda Silver 10 Yuan, 1984. NGC PF69 Ultra Cameo US$630 US$900

785 1987年中華人民共和國精鑄熊貓銀幣50元,含純銀5盎司,直徑70mmPeople's Republic of China, Panda Silver 50 Yuan, 1987, 5 oz. Ag, dia. 70mm. PCGS PR68DCAM 金盾 US$100 US$340

786 1988年中華人民共和國精鑄「雙龍戲珠」銀幣10元,加厚版含純銀一盎司People's Republic of China, Twin Dragons Silver 10 Yuan, 1988, 1 oz. Ag, piedfort. PCGS PR69 Ultra Cameo 金盾 US$120 US$260

787 1990年中華人民共和國精鑄龍鳳銀幣20元,厚版,含純銀2盎司People's Republic of China, Proof Dragon & Phoenix Silver 20 Yuan, 1990, high-date near brick, 2oz. NGC PF68 Ultra Cameo US$450 US$550

788 2010年中華人民共和國水滸人物精鑄彩色銀幣10元,武松、楊志,高評品兩枚People's Republic of China, Proof "Water Margin characters" Silver Color 10 Yuan, 2010. Both NGC PF70 Ultra Cameo (2pcs) US$200 US$280

789 2013年中華人民共和國黃山風景精製紀念銀幣10元,一組四枚高評品People's Republic of China, set of 4 pcs Proof "Huangshan" Silver Coins 10 Yuan, 2013. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. NGC PF69 & 70 (3) Ultra Cameo (4pcs) US$250 US$400

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