珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2016 Spring Auction
Date: 4-6/4/2016
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

726 四川省造光緒元寶七錢二Szechuen Province, Kuang Hsu Silver Dollar, ND (1898) (L&M-345). NGC XF Details, Scratches US$50 US$220

727 四川省造盧比,有領直花Szechuen Province, Silver Rupee, ND (1903-42), vertical rosette with collar (L&M-359). PCGS MS62 金盾 US$900 US$1,200

728 四川省造盧比,有領直花Szechuen Province, Silver Rupee, ND (1903-42), vertical rosette with collar (L&M-359). PCGS MS61 金盾 US$240 US$380

729 四川省造盧比,有領直花兩枚,其一有戳記。極美品及評級品Szechuen Province, Silver Rupee, ND (1903-42), vertical rosette with collar (L&M-359 & 363), one with chopmark. NGC VF35 & XF (2pcs) US$50 US$150

730 老雲南光緒元寶七錢二Yunan Province, Kuang Hsu Silver Dollar, ND (1907) (L&M-418). PCGS MS62 金盾 US$3,600 US$5,200

731 雲南省造光緒元寶一錢四分四,兩圈新龍Yunan Province, Kuang Hsu Silver 20 Cents, ND (1911), fiery ball with 2r circlets (L&M-422). NGC UNC Details, Scratches US$50 US$250

732 雲南省造光緒元寶三錢六,兩圈新龍Yunan Province, Kuang Hsu Silver 50 Cents, ND (1911), fiery ball with two circlets (L&M-422). NGC MS65 US$600 US$600

733 雲南省造光緒元寶三錢六,兩圈新龍Yunan Province, Kuang Hsu Silver 50 Cents, ND (1911), fiery ball with two circlets (L&M-422). PCI MS65 US$240 US$240

734 雲南省造宣統元寶三錢六Yunan Province, Hsuan Tung Silver 50 Cents, ND (1909) (L&M-426). PCGS AU55 金盾 US$60 US$150

736 新彊省餉銀一兩,AH1328(1910)Sinkiang Province, Silver Ration 1 Tael, AH1328 (1910) (L&M-811). PCGS AU50 金盾 US$1,800 US$1,800

737 新彊省餉銀一兩,AH1328(1910),正面星花少見。原包漿Sinkiang Province, Silver Ration 1 Tael, AH1328 (1910) (L&M-812). PCGS Genuine, Env. Damage XF Details 金盾真幣 US$1,800 US$3,200

738 新彊省餉銀一兩,AH1328(1910)。美 極美品Sinkiang Province, Silver Ration 1 Tael, AH1328 (1910) (L&M-812). VF-XF US$0 US$30

738a 新彊省餉銀五錢,AH1328(1910),有圈無圈兩枚評級品Sinkiang Province, Silver Ration 5 Mace, AH1328 (1910) (L&M-819 & 820), diff issues. ACCA AU50 & XF45 (2pcs) US$100 US$100

739 ?化及喀什光緒銀圓貳錢、?錢(1905),均逆背,兩枚評級品Sinkiang Province, Tihwa Kuang Hsu Silver 2 & 3 Mace, ND (1905) (L&M-803 & 804). ACCA XF40 & VF Details (2pcs) US$100

740 喀什光緒銀圓貳錢(AH1311、1319),兩枚評級品Sinkiang Province, Kashgar Silver Kuang Hsu 2 Mace, ND (AH1311 & 1319) (Y-17 & 17A). Both NGC VF Details (2pcs) US$60 US$60

741 喀造光緒銀圓?錢、伍錢(1903-04),均逆背,兩枚評級品Sinkiang Province, Kashgar Silver Kuang Hsu 3 & 5 Mace, ND (1903-04) (L&M-721 & 722). ACCA VF35 & XF45 (2pcs) US$100

742 喀什宣統銀幣伍錢、餉銀五錢,兩枚。美品及極美品Sinkiang Province, Kashgar Hsuan Tung Silver 5 Mace & Ration 5 Mace, ND (1909-11) (L&M-754 & 761). VF & XF (2pcs) US$50 US$70

743 大清銅幣一文,兩枚評級品Tai-Ching Copper Coin 1 Cash, ND (1906). GBCA公博 MS64 & 65 (2pcs) US$80 US$130

744 湖北省造江緒元寶銅幣一文Hu-peh Province, Copper 1 Cash, ND (1906) (Y-121). PCGS MS62RB 金盾 US$60 US$220

745 戶部丙午大清銅幣光緒年造制錢十文,中心「湘」Hu-poo Tai-Ching Copper Coin 10 Cash, CD (1906), 湘 at centre (Y-10h.2). PCGS MS62BN 金盾 US$100

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