珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2016 Spring Auction
Date: 4-6/4/2016
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

625 6 7世紀薩珊王朝思庫老二世手打銀幣,逆背Sasanid Empire, Khosrau II Silver Coin, 570618. ACCA MS64 US$80

626 1935年美國金屬紀念章,一組四枚高評品U.S.A.: group of 4 pcs AR-plated medals of Connecticut Tercentenary, 1935. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. NGC MS62-66 (4pcs) US$120 US$120

627 1935、38、47年美國金屬紀念章,一組四枚高評品U.S.A.: group of 4 pcs AR-plated & Nickel medals of Ct Tercentenary (2), New Haven & Pony Express, 1935, 38 & 47. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. NGC MS64 (3) & 65 (4pcs) US$120 US$120

628 1931、68、70年美國金屬紀念章,一組三枚高評品U.S.A.: group of 3 pcs metal medals of McCormick Reaper, East Windsor & Plymouth, 1931, 68 & 70. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. NGC MS62 & 66 (2) (3pcs) US$100 US$120

629 安南「紹治通寶 天下經綸」銀質花錢(頭爐)。美品Vietnam, Silver Charm Coin. VF US$150

630 安南大型「紹治通寶 萬世永賴」銀質宮錢。極美品Vietnam, large Silver Charm Coin. XF US$180 US$300

631 19世紀銅質砝碼一錢 五拾兩,一套23枚連木盆,極少見。極美品19th century Bronze Counterweights, a set of 23 pcs, with wooden plate. Rare. All XF (23pcs) US$900

632 大布黃千兩枚、唐、宋朝古錢三枚評級品、近代鉛牌,一組六枚A group of 6 pcs Old Money: Xin Dynasty, Tang & Sung Dynasties & Late Ching period. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. 2 ACA & 2 GBCA Graded, VF for 2 (6pcs) US$90 US$90

633 蜀漢定平一百Su Han 100 Cash, ND. GBCA公博 上72 US$80

634 北宋朝通寶:慶歷、熙寧、政和,一組三枚評級品Northern Sung Dynasty Tung Baos, group of 4 pcs, AD1045-1111. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. GBCA公博 美75 (2) & 上70 (3pcs) US$50

635 北宋崇寧通寶一組不同版別八枚ACA評級真品Northern Sung Dynasty, a group 8 pcs of diff issues Chong Ning Tung Bao, 1102-1106. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All ACA Graded Genuine (8pcs) US$80

636 元代大元通寶,八思巴文Yuan Dynasty, Da Yuan Tung Bao, ND (1309). GBCA公博 美75 US$80

637 清朝六代皇帝通寶:順治 道光朝,一組六枚評級品Ching Dynasty Tung Baos, group of 6 pcs fr 6 diff periods, AD1644-1821. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. GBCA公博 美80, 美75 (3) & 上72 (2) (6pcs) US$100

638 中國古錢及清代通寶,一組18枚China old coins & Tung Bao of Ching Dynasty, group of 18 pcs. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. (18pcs) US$100

639 永昌縣船錠,重618克。美 極美品Yong Chang County, Boat-shaped Sycee, ND. Wgt 618grm. VF-XF US$270 US$900

640 光緒卅三年四川「王裕國泉匠」十兩圓錠,重332克。老包漿極美品Szechuen Province, Round Silver Sycee 10 Taels, Kuang Hsu Yr 33 (1907), wgt 332grm. XF US$190 US$950

642 民國初年廣東「福」字一兩銀錠,重34克。美品Kwangtung Province, "福" Silver Sycee 1 Tael, wgt 34grm. VF US$60 US$90

643 長命富貴銀鎏金掛花、佛法僧寶花錢,兩枚評級品Gold Plated Longevity & Prosperous Pendant & Buddhist Charm Coin. GBCA公博 XF06 & 美75 (2pcs) US$60 US$60

644 廣東省造雙龍光緒像臆造幣丁未一兩Double Dragon Kuang Hsu Fantasy One Tael, 1904. ACCA MS64 US$0 US$460

645 慈禧太后大壽臆造幣Empress Dowager Birthday Fantasy, 1908 (Kann-B26). ACCA MS65 US$0 US$750

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