珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2016 Spring Auction
Date: 4-6/4/2016
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

605 1983年法國合金厚幣10法郎France, Piefort Nickel-Bronze 10 Francs, 1983. NCG PF65 Cameo US$100 US$100

606 1898年法屬印度支那貿易銀幣壹圓French Indo-China, Silver Piastre, 1898 (KM-5a,1). PCI MS62 US$100 US$120

607 日本明治十八年(1885)銅貨半錢Japan: 1/2 Sen, Meiji Yr 18 (1885). NGC MS64BN US$50 US$60

608 1964年日本東京奧運會紀念銀幣千圓,三枚高評品Japan: 1964 Tokyo Olympic Silver 1000 Yen (Y-80). SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All ACCA MS65 (3pcs) US$0 US$50

609 1964年日本東京奧運會紀念銀幣千圓,三枚高評品Japan: 1964 Tokyo Olympic Silver 1000 Yen (Y-80). SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All ACCA MS66 (3pcs) US$0 US$60

610 1964年日本東京奧運會紀念銀幣千圓Japan: 1964 Tokyo Olympic Silver 1000 Yen (Y-80). ACCA MS67 US$0

611 1964年日本東京奧運會紀念銀幣千圓Japan: 1964 Tokyo Olympic Silver 1000 Yen (Y-80). ACCA MS68 US$0

612 日本日清甲午戰爭金?指南針勳章。極美品Japan, The 1st Sino-Japanese War Compass Medal, 1894-95. XF US$190

613 昭和四年(1929)日本大阪銀質、銅質紀念章一對。均極美品Japan, Osaka Silver & Brass Medals, 1929. Both XF (2pcs) US$130

614 日本勛六等瑞寶章,原盒。未使用Japan, 6th Class Treasure Medal, orig box. UNC US$110

615 日本赤十字社金色有功章,原盒。未使用Japan, Red Cross Gold Color Merit Medal, orig box. UNC US$110

616 日本侵華時期勳章,一組三枚,原盒。極美品 未使用Japan, a group of 3 Merit Medals presented during the Military Invasion of China, orig boxes. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. XF-UNC (3pcs) US$30

617 日本昭和大禮記念章、昭和三十七、八年從軍記章(帶証書),兩枚均帶原盒。均未使用Japan, 2 pcs of Medals presented in the Showa Period, orig boxes, one with cert. Both UNC (2pcs) US$150

618 日本勳章,一組三枚,其一帶盒。極美品 未使用Japan, a group of 3 Medals, one with box. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. XF-UNC (3pcs) US$30 US$30

619 日本勳章,一組五枚。均極美品Japan, a group of 5 Medals. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. All XF (5pcs) US$170

620 19世紀末英屬海峽Johnson Matthey公司鋁質維多利亞女皇頭試造幣。美品Straits Settlement, Johnson Matthey Co., advertising checks for refiners (for coinage), Hatton Garden, utilizing the official Royal Mint obverse die scoins 1871-77, struck in aluminium at the Royal Mint and exhibited at the Paris Exhibition of 1878. VF US$50 US$190

621 1903、04、08、09年英屬海峽政府銀幣壹圓,一組四枚。其二有戳記,美 極美品Straits Settlement, King Edward VII Silver Dollar, 1903, 04, 08 & 09. SOLD AS IS/NO RETURN. 2 with chopmarks. VF-XF (4pcs) US$200 US$220

622 1932年英屬海峽政府銅幣半仙Straits Settlement, King George V Copper 1/2 Cent, 1932. NCG MS64RB US$30 US$40

623 1887年(Mo M.H.)墨西哥銀幣8RMexico: Silver 8 R, 1887 Mo H.M. PCGS MS63 金盾 US$150 US$150

624 1891年(ZS)墨西哥銀幣 8R,及1934/3年秘魯銀幣 8R,兩枚評級品Mexico: Silver 8 R of 1891 ZS & Peru Silver 8 R of 1934/3. NNC MS63 & 60 (2pcs) US$80 US$80

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