珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2016 Spring Auction
Date: 4-6/4/2016
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

545 「銅牛虎案」,仿1972年雲南江川李家山出土西漢「虎牛祭磐」出土青銅器,連原裝錦盒。Simulated Western Han Dynasty Bronze Arm Rest, orig box, 23x12x22cm. US$80 US$80

546 仿明山水樓閣青花瓶(梅州大埔),連原盒。Simulated Ming Dynasty Blue Porcelain Vase, orig box, 19x26cm. US$50 US$50

547 青銅「孔子」半身銅立像,連錦盒。Bronze Confucius Bust, with box, 11x11x5cm. US$30 US$30

548 精裝2008年「北京奧運五福同慶」大盤,編號36,限量發行,連原裝精美禮盒及証書。2008 Beijing Olympic Large Five Blessings Plate, no. 36, limited edition, orig box & cert, 36x36x4cm. US$500

549 紅釉金花福壽盤,連紅木架及錦盒。Rouge Glaze Porcelain Golden Floral "Goodness & Longevity" Plate, with stand & box, dia. 37cm. US$300

550 甘肅天水鑲螺鈿漆擺飾,連原架。Gansu Province, Mother-of-pearl Lacquer Plaque, orig stand, dia. 20cm. US$30 US$30

551 仿古中國京劇面譜小屏風,連精美原盒。Simulated Classic Peking Opera Make-ups Screen, orig box, 24x47cm. US$30 US$30

552 無鍚惠山繪花泥娃飾件,連原盒。Wuxi Floral Clay Dolls, orig box, 14.5x18.5x6.5cm. US$30

553 泰山桃木「福字龍?」、「五福臨門」掛壁飾件,兩件連原盒。A pair of Taishan Mts Mahogany drop ornaments with auspicious words , orig box, dia.29cm & 35x20x2cm. US$80 US$80

554 江蘇睢寧縣兒童畫,2006年獲選為國寶禮品,連精美錦盒。Jiangsu Province Children Drawing, selected as National Treasure gift in 2006, orig box, 畫心35x35cm,軸長130cm. US$100

555 中國民間面譜剪紙,連原盒。Folks Make-ups Paper Cutting, orig box, 15x15cm. US$0

556 精裱「鶴壽」布剪紙掛件。"Longevity" Cloth Cutting for wall decoration, 44x44cm. US$40

557 南京雲錦集商周金文百壽圖掛件。Nanjing Brocade with 100 classical 壽 inscrptions, 91x75cm. US$200

558 熊貓雙戲刺繡掛件。"Panda playing" Embroidery drop ornament, 49x59cm. US$180

559 甘肅省敦煌壁晝絲綢彩印「反彈琵琶伎樂天」掛軸珍藏品,連精美錦盒及証書。Gansu Province, Dunhuang hanging Silky Mural Painting, orig box & cert, 38x25cm,軸長107cm. US$150

560 湖南湘繡「一帆風順」,未裱,連原盒。Hunan Embroidery "Bon Voyage", orig box, 200x93cm; US$80 US$80

561 江蘇雲錦「富貴牡丹」圖,連精美錦盒及証書。Jiangsu "Rich & Honor" Brocade, orig box & cert, 畫心22x22cm,軸長106cm. US$120

562 南京雲錦花卉圖,連原裝禮盒。Nanjing Floral Brocade, orig box, 37x37cm. US$100

563 內蒙師範大學六十周年校慶純銀紀念章,原木盒。Inner Mongolia Normal Univ., 60th Anniversary Silver Medals, 12x12x3.5cm. US$50

564 寧夏回族自治區同原二中「關注人文 重視做人」紀念銀章,原木盒。Ningsia Secondary School Commemorative "Humanity" Silver Medal, orig box, dia. 4cm. US$30 US$30

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