珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2016 Spring Auction
Date: 4-6/4/2016
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

525 手塑「博奕」,80年代後期廣東石灣工藝大師曾鵬(早期瓦公窯)精品,帶款Porcelain "Chess Playing", 1980 handmade by the Guangdong master Zeng Peng. US$320

526 清代白瓷送子觀音Ching Dynasty, White Porcelain Children-delivering Guanyin, 12x15x33cm US$1,150

527 清末陶瓷大師陳渭岩南泥羅漢像,帶款Late Ching, Pottery Arhat by Master Chen Wei Yan, 12x14x15mm US$2,200 US$2,200

528 民國初年白瓷八仙坐獸一組八尊Early Republic, a set of 8 White Porcelain "Eight Immortals with Squatting Animals", each approx. 5x10x12.5cm (8pcs) US$1,700

529 紅木鑲「如意吉祥」白玉如意擺件,配精美錦繡硬木座及原盒Redwood with White Jade "Ruyi (Good Luck)", with orig seat & box. 33x11x9cm US$200 US$200

530 透雕?首龍軀「白玉如意」,配精美木座(小修)及原盒。輕微裂損White Jade "Ruyi (Good Luck)" with Pheonix Head & Dragon Body, with orig seat & box. 27x8x4cm US$200 US$200

531 碧玉大環,石色潤澤可人,配精美紅木座及原盒。Large Jade Ring, with redwood stand & orig box, dia 26cm. US$180 US$180

532 「一帆風順」黃玉擺件,石質鮮明清澈,連原木座。Yellow Jade "Good Going", with orig wooden seat, 41x10x40cm. US$80 US$140

533 敦煌翠玉「夜光杯」六隻,玉材來自海拔4000公尺上的祁連山,經36道工序精磨而成,連精美原紅本盒。Dunhuang Jade "Moonwalker Cup", a group of 6, with orig redwood sear, 4x4x0.5cm. (6pcs) US$80 US$120

534 「童子雙戲」賀壽玉擺件,墨綠岫玉沈厚光潤,連木座。Jade "Twin Playing" for birthday greetings, with wooden seat, 16x15x12cm. US$100 US$150

535 七雞「積善富貴」琉璃,「琉園」出品,限量688件。Glaze "Seven Chicken", limited 688 pcs, 19x19x5cm, wgt 4.39kg. US$280 US$280

536 玻璃花飾壺,連錦盒。Glass Floral Tea Pot, with orig box, 20X12X14cm. US$100 US$150

537 琉璃「子鼠進寶」擺件,?豐禮品編號0181,限量2188件。Glaze "Mouse Delivering Treasure", HSBC gift no. 0181, limited 2188 pcs, 7.5x7.5x14cm. US$80 US$80

538 四色「歡喜佛」,連原硬木座。Multicolor Joyful Buhhda, with orig hardwood seat, 23x19x25cm. US$60 US$130

539 刻花雙蝶玻璃瓶,連原盒。Glass Floral Twin Butterflies Vase, with orig box, 10x23cm. US$50 US$50

540 手工精雕青銅花瓶一對,滿含東亞文化風情。A pair of Hand-crafted Bronze Vases, 24.5x12x2cm. US$100 US$100

541 鎏金持蓮坐獸觀音,連原座。Gold Plated Guanyin with seating animal, with orig seat, 11x7x14cm. US$100 US$100

542 早期廣東仿象牙雕刻品「更上一層樓」,原玻璃盒。Simulated Ivory "Better Going", with orig glass box, 17x17x26cm. US$80 US$80

543 「雙喜富貴」石雕擺件。左上角微損。Stone "Double Happiness & Wealth", 35x28x8cm. Light damage at top left. US$60 US$60

544 花都菊花觀賞石,巧奪天工,原玻璃盒配樟木座 。Chrysanthemum Stone, with orig camphorwood seat glass box, 25x16x25cm. US$60

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