珍稀拍賣有限公司 Rarehouse Auction Ltd.

2016 Spring Auction
Date: 4-6/4/2016
Venue: Marco Polo Prince Hotel, Xiamen Rms 1&2
Price Realization:Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 

Lots. Photo Auction Information Estimate Price Price Realization

505 銀質琺瑯懷錶,帶匙Silver Enamel hunting case pocket watch, with chain & key. US$320 US$320

506 勞力士金屬懷錶,帶鍊ROLEX Imperial Prince metal pocket watch, with chain US$900

507 BRETING BROS 14K金質琺瑯懷錶,帶匙BRETING BROS, Geneve 14K Gold Enamel pocket watch, anchor, strsight line, curette, with sign, chain & key. US$1,100

508 EATON 14K金琺瑯懷錶EATON 14K Gold Enamel pocket watch US$440 US$560

509 MANN & SON 14K金懷錶(約1876年)MANN & SON, 14K Gold pocket watch, ca 1876, presented to John Hunt of the Gloucester Choral Society, case, movement & fussee, curette, with chain & key. US$1,150

510 GRUEN 14K金質懷錶GRUEN 14K Gold pocket watch, case & movement, curette, with sign. US$650 US$700

511 百達翡麗14K金鑲寶石懷錶,背嵌翡翠Patek Philippe 14K Gold pocket watch, jade cast on back, dial with diamond, case & movement, with sign. US$2,000

512 江詩丹頓 14K金懷錶(約1899年)VACHERON CONSTANTIN, Geneve 14K Gold pocket watch, ca 1899, case & movement, curette, with sign. US$2,000 US$2,200

513 金屬日曆懷錶Metal pocket watch, with moon phase & calender US$500 US$500

514 WALTHAM 14K金懷錶WALTHAM 14K Gold pocket watch, dial, case & movement, with sign. US$1,100

515 ELGIN銀質琺瑯懷錶,Elgin簽名ELGIN Silver Enamel pocket watch, dial, case & movement, with Egin sign. US$400

516 絕版「迎春」銅襯剪紙。半世紀前佛山名手工藝品,已停產絕跡多時Copper Plated Paper-cutting "Welcome the Spring", 1970s from Foshan, production stopped for half a century. US$50

517 癭木及靚硬木有蓋筒。做工細緻,應屬福建80年代精品Gall Wood Pot with cover, 1980 product from Fujien. US$60

518 仿古白釉瓜果型水注,少見Simulated Classic White Porcelain Melon Water Dropper, rare. US$60

519 紅、黃、紫三色單色釉杯,90年代仿古精品Set of 3 porcelain cups with diff colours, simulated classic product from 1990s. US$80

520 舊花梨木雕人物飾件,6070年代全手工靚木玩件Old Rosewood "People", 196070 hand-made product US$60

521 舊花梨木雕蟾蜍飾件,6070年代全手工舊靚木玩件Old Rosewood "Toad", 196070 hand-made product US$60

522 橄欖核彫「樓閣人物」飾件。6070年代出口的著名工藝品Olive Carved "People & Penhouse", 196070 export product. US$80 US$80

523 「花開富貴」竹刻飾件,江浙名手的留青竹刻Bamboo "Blooming Flower & Wealth", product from Jiansu & Zhejiang area. US$60

524 手塑「羅漢」,80年代後期廣東石灣工藝大師曾鵬(早期瓦公窯)精品,帶款Porcelain "Arhat", 1980 handmade by the Guangdong master Zeng Peng. US$250

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